QiLu Sino-Canadian International School


   齐鲁中加国际学校     阿尔伯塔省海外认证学校(青岛)

Admission Policy

There are two routes for admission into QSCIS; transfer and regular admission. To inquire about application for admittance, please email edu@cscdfsd.org with the subject "New Student Inquiry." 


Space is limited. Admission to our program is subject to availability and selection criteria. Applications for admission must be supported by a parent or legal guardian. Applications are assessed by the Canadian administrator in cooperation with Chinese administration.


1. Regular Admission:


A. Prospective students who wish to apply for regular admission must submit Chinese High School Admittance Exam scores (also known as Zhongcao). 


B. Prospective students must attend an English language interview with a Canadian staff member. This interview acts as an evaluation of English language ability. Only students who have English speaking and listening skills deemed adequate for success will be admitted. 


2. Transfer Admission:


A. Students in an existing Alberta Education program may apply for admission by following the protocols for regular admission above.


B. Prospective transfer students from an Alberta program must submit scores from any previously awarded Alberta curriculum credits.


C. Prospective transfer students will be able to retain any previously earned credits in grade 10, 11, and 12 in an Alberta Education Program.


D. The school reserves the right to refuse admission to prospective transfer students for admission if they did not perform well in their previous Alberta studies.


*We do not accept transfers from programs outside of Alberta Education. Students who attended High School programs from other Canadian provinces or other countries must follow the regular admission process and will not receive transfer credits.